Things everyone should do when coming to Argentina

Argentina, with its vibrant culture and warm hospitality, is a destination that beckons visitors from around the globe. While many embrace the local customs, there are a few things that often slip under the radar for tourists. Let’s explore five things that are somewhat off the typical tourist radar but can add an extra layer of authenticity to your Argentine experience.

Polo Day Experience:

If you’re looking for a unique and thrilling experience in Argentina, why not consider a Polo Day? Spend a day immersing yourself in the world of polo, one of the country’s most beloved sports. You can participate in a Polo Day excursion, where you’ll learn the basics of the game, ride horses, and even have the opportunity to play a friendly match. Professional instructors will guide you through the techniques and strategies of the game, ensuring a fun and educational experience. Polo Days often include a delicious asado (barbecue) lunch, allowing you to savor traditional Argentine cuisine while enjoying the picturesque surroundings of a polo club. It’s a fantastic way to experience the excitement and elegance of polo firsthand.

Mate Experience:

One thing many visitors miss out on is fully embracing the mate culture. Mate, a traditional herbal tea, is a symbol of friendship and socializing in Argentina. Instead of just observing, consider joining locals in a mate-sharing session. It’s a small act that opens doors to connections and offers a taste of the genuine camaraderie that defines Argentine social life.

Dive into Local Cuisine:

While savoring a juicy steak is almost a rite of passage in Argentina, there’s more to the culinary scene. Venture beyond the familiar and try local favorites like empanadas, locro, or humita. Exploring the diverse flavors of Argentine cuisine not only tantalizes the taste buds but also provides a deeper understanding of the country’s rich culinary heritage.

Dance to Local Rhythms:

Tango may be the star of the dance floor, but Argentina’s music scene has more to offer. Step out of the tourist zones and discover local milongas or peñas where folk music and dance take center stage. Engaging with the rhythms of Argentine folklore provides a richer cultural experience beyond the iconic tango.

Join a Local Celebration:

Argentina is known for its lively festivals and celebrations. Instead of observing from afar, consider participating in a local fiesta or parade. Whether it’s the colorful Carnival in Gualeguaychú or a provincial celebration, immersing yourself in these events connects you with the passion and joy that defines Argentine festivities. In conclusion, while Argentina’s popular attractions are undeniably captivating, delving into these lesser-known aspects can elevate your visit to a whole new level. From sharing mate with locals to embracing diverse culinary delights, exploring neighborhood ferias, dancing to local rhythms, and joining in on festive celebrations, these off-the-beaten-path experiences offer an authentic taste of Argentina’s soul and culture